
Healthcare in Japan

Japan’s current healthcare system got its start in 1927 with an employee health plan. By 1961, it had evolved into a system of universal coverage. It is also one of the world’s best healthcare systems. Japanese people have a longer life expectancy than most others and one of the lowest infant …

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Healthcare in Mexico

Mexico’s healthcare system is underfunded and inadequately organized to meet the needs of its population. The healthcare system has not changed substantially since the Health Ministry was established in 1943. Coverage has been expanded since that time and now all Mexicans have access to basic healthcare services, at least on …

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Healthcare in Russia

The current healthcare system in Russia has its roots in the early 1990s and the collapse of the Soviet Union. The constitution of the Russian Federation, which was adopted in 1993, gave citizens the right to state-funded healthcare. Russia routinely places near the bottom of lists ranking the healthcare systems …

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Healthcare in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is considered one of the poorest countries in the world. It is also in the top ten population wise with around 168 million people. Over half of its people, 60%, live below the poverty line and 70% live in rural communities. Since its independence in 1971, its healthcare system …

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Healthcare in Nigeria

After Nigeria gained its independence in the 1960s it made some progress to its healthcare systems but progress began to stall after a couple decades. Mostly due to everchanging governments and a lack of resources. For years now Nigeria’s healthcare has been rated among the worst in the world. A …

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Healthcare in Brazil

For a long time, Brazil had many struggles politically which resulted in a subpar healthcare system. It was said that the only way to get the government’s attention was to die. Near the end of the military dictatorship the idea of “health for all” began to emerge. Then with the …

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Healthcare in Pakistan

Healthcare in Pakistan is among the lowest rated in South Asia. Despite some improvements after signing the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in 2000, Pakistan still has a way to go to improve its healthcare systems. Recently, Pakistan was rated 154th out of 195 countries in terms of overall healthcare system …

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Healthcare in Indonesia

Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago with over 17,000 islands. It is also the 4th most populated country with more than 240 million people. With a population that large, Indonesia is made up of a variety of religions, ethnic groups and languages. Finding that it was lacking in healthcare infrastructure and …

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Healthcare in India

India has a form of universal healthcare. The Indian Constitution states that everyone has the right to health and makes healthcare the responsibility of the state rather than that of the central government. Despite the state funded healthcare, there is a severe shortage of resources and many people end up paying out-of-pocket for services. …

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Healthcare in China

Throughout most of the 20th century China struggled with their healthcare systems but by the year 2000, China started to make reforms that greatly improved its healthcare. Before the changes started around only 20% had some form of health insurance but by 2011 95% of the population had basic coverage. Currently, China has two healthcare programs. …

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